

Burnout: Drag Racing
Publisher: Bethesda/Virgin
EN: Really original racing game. Have you ever seen dragsters racing on a smooth, straight track where is more important to have right mixture of fuel than to be a race expert. Would it be fun to finish the race within 8 second? Bethesda things so.
RO: Simulator auto foarte original. Ce este mai pasionant: sa fi atent la curbe sau sa-ti iei zborul datorita vitezei?
CZ: Tak tohle jsme tu opravdu nemeli. Videli jste nekdy dragstery, kdy závodíte na rychlost na rovné dráze a daleko víc záleží na složení paliva než na umení rídit? Dá se vubec udelat simulátor závodu, kde prumerná doba jízdy je 8 sekund? Prý jo…
Screenshot: /LEVEL/BURNO | Launch Date: 0698
/Burnout/BURNDEMO.EXE | DOS, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 20 MB HDD
Croc: Legend of Gobbos
Publisher: Fox/EA
EN: Simply Lara Croft with a tail. That's it. Interesting attempt to make a rival to Mario 64 with a crocodile as a main hero, focuses more on younger players, but it's not disadvantage.
RO: Mai pe scurt: Lara Croft cu coada. Asta e! Ideea e de a creea un rival al Larei în persoana unui crocodil, recomandat celor mici sau celor plini de umor.
CZ: Strucne a jasne receno – Lara Croft s ocáskem! Tím je snad dané všechno… Zajímavý hravý pokus o konkurenta Maria 64 s krokodýlkem v hlavní roli zaujme spíše mladší ctenáre, ale to urcite není na škodu…
Screenshot: /LEVEL/CROC
/Croc/SETUP.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 30 MB HDD
Deer Hunter
Publisher: Wizard Works
EN: Why you should ever go to forest, when you can hunt on your screens! Deer Hunter, the best selling game in USA last year bring you this feeling. Try it, and get your trophy. Hmmm… Hmm…
RO: De ce sa nu poti vâna fara sa pleci departe, de fapt chiar pe ecranul monitorului. De ce nu? Încercati si luati-va trofeul de vânator. Hm…
CZ: Proc chodit do lesa, když jeleny mužete lovit i na pocítaci! V USA jedna z nejprodávanejších her, ale mezi námi, je to opravdu jen pro myslivce a studenty lesnických fakult…
Screenshot: /LEVEL/DEERH
/Deer Hunter/SETUP.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 30 MB HDD
Descent: Freespace
Publisher: Volition/Interplay
EN: New Descent game looks like space simulator, something like Wing Commander. You can play minicampaign with full three missions, so what are you waiting for…
RO: Acest nou joc din seria Descent arata mai mult cu un simulator în spatiu, la fel cu Wing Commander. Puteti juca o minicampanie cu 3 misiuni. Ce mai asteptati...
CZ: Na rozdíl od také pripravované "trojky" je Freespace koncipovaný jako vesmírný simulátor, tedy podobne jako Wing Commander. V minikampani na vás cekají celé tri mise plus jedna tréninková. Tak proc ješte nehrajete? Stojí to za to...
Screenshot: /LEVEL/DFS | Launch Date: 0598
/Descent Freespace/SETUP.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 32 MB RAM, 40 MB HDD
Dominion: Storm Over Gift
Publisher: Ion Storm/Eidos
EN: In a distance future four races are fighting for control of mighty artefact. Demo is limited on couple of missions for humans, also some stronger units are not available.
RO: Într-un viitor îndepartat 4 rase se lupta pentru controlul unui artifact. Aveti la dispozitie câteva misiuni cu pamântenii. Hai Tera!!?
CZ: Ve vzdáleném svete zurí real-timeová bitva mezi ctyrmi rasami o kontrolu mocného artefaktu. A co vy? Demo je omezeno na nekolik misí za lidskou stranu, rovnež v nem nenajdete nekteré silnejší jednotky.
Screenshot: /LEVEL/DOMS | Launch Date: 0698
/Dominion Storm/domdem11.exe | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 60 MB HDD
Formula 1 '97
Publisher: Psygnosis
EN: New F1 racing with official FIA/FOCA license for 1997 season.
RO: Un nou simulator de F1. Ready! Get set! GO!
CZ: Nové formule 1 s oficiální licencí FIA/FOCA na sezónu 97.
Screenshot: /LEVEL/F197 | Launch Date: 0498
/F1 97/SETUP.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 20 MB HDD, 3D
Grand Prix Legends
Publisher: Papyrus/Sierra
EN: Papyrus, creators of Indy Car and Nascar Racing, has brought you another racing game, this time set in sixties, when the greatest racers were Jim Clard, Jac Brabham and the others.
RO: Papyrus, creatorul jocurilor Indy Car si Nascar Racing, va aduce un nou joc cu masini. De data aceasta în anii `60.
CZ: Firma Papyrus, která vám v minulosti prinesla Indy Car a Nascar Racing, dodelává další závodní hru, která ale bude zasazena do šedesátých let, kdy mezi nejslavnejší závodníky patrili taková jména jako Jim Clark nebo Jack Brabham.
Screenshot: /LEVEL/GPL | Launch Date: 0798
/GP Legends/SETUP.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 35 MB HDD
Hardball 6
Publisher: Accolade/EA
EN: Papyrus, creators of Indy Car and Nascar Racing, has brought you another racing game, this time set in sixties, when the greatest racers were Jim Clard, Jac Brabham and the others.
RO: A sasea versiune a faimosului joc de baseball de la Accolade. Nu e mai grozav decât Triple Play 99, dar încercati-l.
CZ: Už šestá verze baseballu od Accolade… Sice je stále o neco málo horší než Triple Play 99, ale pokud jste fanoušci této hry, urcite byste ji nemeli minout…
Screenshot: /LEVEL/HB6 | Launch Date: 0598
/Hardball 6/SETUP.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 25 MB HDD
Industry Giant
Publisher: I-Magic
EN: Find the resources. Build infrastructure to transport them. Move them to the market and earn some more money. Don't you think it's similar to Transport Tycoon?
RO: Gaseste resurse si construieste diferite infrastructuri pentru a le transporta. Vindele si fa bani… Parca seamana cu Transport Tycoon, nu?
CZ: Naleznete suroviny. Postavte továrny. Vytvorte dopravní tepny k transportu materiálu. Dopravte produkty na trh a hlavne vydelávejte peníze. Nezní vám to trošku jako Transport Tycoon?
Screenshot: /LEVEL/INDG | Launch Date: 0598
/Industry Giant/IGDSETUP.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 30 MB HDD
Jazz Jackrabbit 2
Publisher: Epic
EN: Jazz Jackrabbit was just a shareware platform game, but become almost a legend. So plenty of players are looking forward to play a sequel to this game. This time Jazz come back with his smaller redhead brother Spaz…
RO: Jazz Jackrabbit a fost doar un joc platforma shareware, dar a devenit legenda. Asadar cu siguranta sunt destui gameri care vor sa joace urmarea … în care apare si micul lui prieten Spaz.
CZ: Jazz Jackrabbit byl mezi shareware PC plošinovkami takovou malou legendou, takže se urcite najde spousta hrácu, kterí si pokracování rádi zahrají. Aby jste se nenudili, pozval si Jazz i mladšího rudohlavého brášku Spaze…
Screenshot: /LEVEL/JAZZ | Launch Date: 0598
/Jazz Jackrabbit 2/jazz2swf.exe | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 12 MB HDD
Judge Dredd Pinball
Publisher: Pin-ball Games
EN: Have you missed pinball games? Than enjoy this well made pinball with table inspired by Judge Dredd.
RO: Ti-au lipsit jocurile pinball? Atunci savureaza acest pinball inspirat din Judge Dredd.
CZ: Pinball jsme tu opet nejaký ten mesíc nemeli, takže všichni pinballoví maniaci mužou zase prohánet své kulicky, tentokrát ve velice dobre zpracovaném prostredí Judge Dredda.
Screenshot: /LEVEL/JDP | Launch Date: 0598
/Judge Dredd Pinball/SETUP.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 50 MB HDD
KKND Krossfire
Publisher: Beam/Infogrames
EN: Another sequel, another real-time strategy game, now it's KKnD. Better graphic, new units and new side –Serie 9 robots. If you liked the original, you gonna like this one too.
RO: O alta urmare, o strategie real-time cu grafica mai buna, unitati noi si o noua tabara – Serie 9 Robots. Daca ti-a placut originalul o sa-ti placa si continuarea asta.
CZ: Tak už je to tady, na radu s pokracováním prišlo i KKND. Vylepšena byla grafika, pribyly nové jednotky a dokonce i nová strana – roboti ze Série 9. Pokud hrajete real-time strategie, urcite se na tenhle kousek podívejte.
Screenshot: /LEVEL/KKND2 | Launch Date: 0598
/KKND 2/SETUP.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 20 MB HDD
Liberation Day
Publisher: I-Magic
EN: Turn-based strategy, where you fight against deadly aliens. Follow-up to great Fallen Haven strategy.
RO: Strategie turn-based, în care te lupti cu extraterestrii nemilosi. O urmare a faimosului Fallen Haven.
CZ: Turn-based strategie, ve které, jak jinak, bojujete proti po zuby ozbrojeným mimozemštanum… Volné pokracování strategie Fallen Haven.
Screenshot: /LEVEL/LIBD | Launch Date: 0498
/Liberation Day/libdemo.exe | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 50 MB HDD
Might & Magic 6
Publisher: NWC/Ubisoft
EN: This is intro movie of the game which completely stunned our office. Because of limited CD space, we included only low-res version, but you can still feel the atmosphere...
RO: Acesta este un film intro al jocului care ne-a uimit pe toti. Datorita spatiului limitat de pe CD am inclus doar versiunea low-res, dar înca puteti simti atmosfera…
CZ: Tak takhle vypadá intro hry, která totálne odrovnala naši redakci… Bohužel jsme museli zaradit graficky méne kvalitní verzi, aby šla prehrávat plynule a vubec se na toto opravdu narvané CD vešla. Atmosféra M&M vás urcite nakazí...
Screenshot: /LEVEL/MM6 | Launch Date: 0598
/Might & Magic 6 | Win95, 486, 16 MB RAM
Publisher: Gremlin
EN: You don't like reality? You prefer simple racing, like POD was. Then Motorhead is here for you. Demo doesn't support 3D cards, but looks only slightly worse than full accelerated version.
RO: Nu-ti place realitatea? Îti plac simulatoarele nu prea complicate, asa ca POD? Ei bine Motorhead a fost facut pentru tine. Arata excelent! Primul joc cu 50 (wow!!) de frame pe secunda.
CZ: Pokud si chcete jen tak pohodove zazávodit, žádná velká realita, proste neco podobného jako byl POD, Motorhead je pro vás presne to pravé. Demo bohužel nepodporuje 3D karty, takže neuvidíte plné možnosti velice rychlého grafického enginu.
Screenshot: /LEVEL/MOTOH | Launch Date: 0598
/Motorhead/MOTORDEMO.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 24 MB RAM, 40 MB HDD
Publisher: Microsoft
EN: Do you remember Terra Nova? Outwars are not much different. So put on your fighting suit with deadly weapons and flying abilities and destroy the bloody aliens.
RO: Va amintiti de Terra Nova? Outwars nu difera prea mult. Ia-ti costumul de lupta, armele mortale si killereste toti extraterestrii!
CZ: Vzpomínáte si na Terra Novu? Outwars jsou podobné, tedy až na grafiku odpovídající soucasnému standardu. Ceká na vás vyzbrojování bojových obleku smrtícím arsenálem a spousta výsadku v boji proti mimozemskému nebezpecí.
Screenshot: /LEVEL/OUTW | Launch Date: 0598
/Outwars/OUTWARS.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 45 MB HDD
7K Ancient Adversaries
Publisher: I-Magic
EN: New version of fantasy real-time strategy offers three new nations, 15 new scenarios, snowy terrain, new weapons and even more improvements. Let's see if you'll like it.
RO: Versiune noua de strategie real-time care va ofera 3 natiuni, 15 scenarii, teren în timp de iarna, noi arme si alte îmbunatatiri. Sa vedem daca va place.
CZ: Nová verze real-timeové strategie nabízí tri nové národnosti, 15 nových scénárus, zasnežený terén, nové zbrane a spoustu dalších vylepšení. Zkuste si, zda se vám bude líbit…
Screenshot: /LEVEL/7KAA | Launch Date: 0598
/Seven Kingdoms AA/7KAADEMO.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 40 MB HDD
Terra Victus
Publisher: Ripcord/Take 2
EN: You're member of rebels, that are fighting against mad dictator ruling post catastrophic Earth. Interesting not-C&C real-time strategy.
RO: Faci parte dintre rebeli, care se lupta împotriva legilor dictatoriale de pe un Pamânt ce a suferit imense catastrofe. Strategie real-time non-C&C.
CZ: Jako pešák budujete odboj a bojujete proti šílenému diktátorovi vládnoucímu post-katastrofické Zemi. Zajímave vypadající ne-C&C real-timová strategie.
Screenshot: /LEVEL/TERRA | Launch Date: 0798
/Terra Victus/TERRA.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 120 MB HDD
World Cup 98
Publisher: EA Sports
EN: Couple month after FIFA 98 EA Sports brings you another soccer game – this one is just about upcoming World Cup in France. In this demo you can play two minutes long half of England vs. Brazil match.
RO: La doua luni de la lansarea FIFA 98, EA Sports va aduce un nou joc de fotbal. Acesta este despre Cupa Mondiala din Franta. Puteti juca doua reprize de 2 minute cu Anglia vs. Brazilia.
CZ: Ani ne pul roku po FIFA 98 vytvorili EA Sports novou verzi svého fotbalu – tentokrát zasvecenou mistrovství sveta ve Francii 98. V demoverzi si zahrajete dve minuty dlouhý polocas Anglie proti Brazílii…
Screenshot: /LEVEL/WC98 | Launch Date: 0598
/World Cup 98/WC98_E.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 50 MB HDD
XCOM: Interceptor
Publisher: Microprose
EN: New UFO may interest you much more then ever – still classics R&D, but now all in space and you are handling with interceptor.
RO: Noi UFO-uri, noi lupte, noi arme – înca clasic R&D, dar de data asta în spatiu.
CZ: Nové UFO vás možná docela dost prekvapí - sice stále "klasicky" vyvíjíte a stavíte základny... Ale ty se už nachází ve vesmíru a vy se ocitáte v kokpitu vesmírné stíhacky... Proste simulátor...
Screenshot: /LEVEL/XUFO | Launch Date: 0698
/XCOM Interceptor/SETUP.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 50 MB HDD


ACDsee 2.3
EN: Very fast picture viewer supporting almost of all existing graphic formats.
RO: Un viewer de imagini foarte rapid, compatibil mai cu toate formaturile grafice.
CZ: Velice rychlý prohlížec obrázku podporující vetšinu grafických formátu.
Dos Navigator 1.5.2
EN: Almost exactly after one year comes new version (Build 002) of popular DOS file manager. But corrects only two bugs.
RO: Aproape exact dupa un an apare noua versiune a bine- cunoscutului DOS Navigator. Dar corecteaza doar doua bugg-uri.
CZ: Prakticky po roce vychází nová verze (Build 002) oblíbeného DOSového souborového manageru. Obsahuje ale pouze opravu dvou chyb.
/Dos Navigator/install.exe
FAR 1.51
EN: Very good W95 file manager, supporting long file names, from creator of RAR archiver.
RO: Program de gestionare a programelor sub W95 foarte bun. Suporta nume de fisiere lungi.
CZ: Velice kvalitní souborový manager pro Windows 95 s podporovou dlouhých jmen od tvurce RARu.
Paint Shop Pro 5.0
EN: Graphical program, similar to Adobe Photoshop, is here with new version.
RO: Program de grafica, similar cu Adobe Photoshop, o noua versiune.
CZ: Grafický program srovnatelný s Adobe Photoshopem se dockal další verze...
/Paint Shop Pro/psp50ev.exe
WinRAR 2.03
EN: New version of archiver.
RO: O versiune noua a programului.
CZ: Nová verze pakovacího programu.
VirusScan 3.1.6
EN: Afraid of viruses? Then install VirusScan!
RO: Ti-e frica de virusi? Instaleaza VirusScan!
CZ: Trápí vás viry? Tak proc si nenainstalujete VirusScan?
WinAmp 1.9
EN: Best MP3 player in the world!!
RO: Cel mai tare player de MP3-uri din lume!
CZ: Nejlepší prehrávac MP3 na svete!!!
/WinAmp/winamp19 exe


BattleZone v1.01
Die by the Sword Incompatible Versions Patch
/Die by the Sword/dbtseuro.rar
Flight Unlimited II v1.04
/Flight Unlimited 2/flt01-04.exe
Flying Corps v1.11y (Voodoo2)
/Flying Corps/fc_111y.rar
Hardball 6 v6.01
/Hardball 6/hb6_v601.exe
Hexen 2 Portal of Praevus v1.12a
/Hexen 2 POP/H2MP_Patch_v112a.exe
Lords of Magic v2.0 to v2.02
/Lords of Magic/lom202a.exe
M1 Tank Platoon II v1.1
/M1 Platoon 2/m1tp211.rar
Red Baron 2 v1.05 (Flight model)
/Red Baron 2/RB2_15.EXE
StarCraft v1.01
Triple Play 99 Patch 1
/Triple Play 99/tp99pat.exe
Worms 2 v1.15
/Worms 2/w2p005_e.exe


Desktop Themes
EN: Shareware program, which our engine uses for install in case you don't have Microsoft Plus! Pack. If you want to use it, after trial time you have to register it...
RO: Programe shareware, care este folosit de engine-ul nostru pentru instalare în cazul în care nu aveti MS Plus! Pack. Daca vreti sa-l folositi, dupa un timp va trebui înregistrat…
CZ: Sharewarový program, který naše menu používá k instalace, pokud nevlastníte Microsoft Plus! Pack. Pokud ho chcete používat, musíte si ho po zkušební dobe zaregistrovat...
/Themes/Decktop Themes/Desktop Themes.exe
Atomic Bomberman
EN: Theme based on Atomic Bomberman.
RO: Tema bazata pe jocul Atomic Bomberman.
CZ: Thema vytvorená podle hry Atomic Bomberman.
/Themes/Atomic Bomberman/Atomic Bomberman.Theme
EN: Theme based on Carmaggedon.
RO: Tema bazata pe jocul Carmaggedon.
CZ: Thema vytvorená podle brutální hry Carmaggedon.
Dark Omen
EN: Theme based on Warhammer: Dark Omen.
RO: Tema bazata pe jocul Warhammer: Dark Omen.
CZ: Thema vytvorená podle hry Warhammer: Dark Omen.
/Themes/Dark Omen/Dark Omen.Theme
Die by the Sword #1
EN: Theme based on Die by the Sword game. Version differs with icons and sounds.
RO: Tema bazata pe jocul Die by the Sword. Aceasta versiune difera prin icon-uri si cursoare de mouse.
CZ: Thema vytvorená podle hry Die by the Sword. Jednotlivé verze se liší ikonkami a ozvucením...
/Themes/Die by the Sword/DBTS Theme - 1.theme
Die by the Sword #2
EN: Theme based on Die by the Sword game. Version differs with icons and sounds.
RO: Tema bazata pe jocul Die by the Sword. Aceasta versiune difera prin icon-uri si cursoare de mouse.
CZ: Thema vytvorená podle hry Die by the Sword. Jednotlivé verze se liší ikonkami a ozvucením...
/Themes/Die by the Sword/DBTS Theme - 2.theme
Die by the Sword #3
EN: Theme based on Die by the Sword game. Version differs with icons and sounds.
RO: Tema bazata pe jocul Die by the Sword. Aceasta versiune difera prin icon-uri si cursoare de mouse.
CZ: Thema vytvorená podle hry Die by the Sword. Jednotlivé verze se liší ikonkami a ozvucením...
/Themes/Die by the Sword/DBTS Theme - 3.theme
Die by the Sword #4
EN: Theme based on Die by the Sword game. Version differs with icons and sounds.
RO: Tema bazata pe jocul Die by the Sword. Aceasta versiune difera prin icon-uri si cursoare de mouse.
CZ: Thema vytvorená podle hry Die by the Sword. Jednotlivé verze se liší ikonkami a ozvucením...
/Themes/Die by the Sword/DBTS Theme - 4.theme
Die by the Sword #5
EN: Theme based on Die by the Sword game. Version differs with icons and sounds.
RO: Tema bazata pe jocul Die by the Sword. Aceasta versiune difera prin icon-uri si cursoare de mouse.
CZ: Thema vytvorená podle hry Die by the Sword. Jednotlivé verze se liší ikonkami a ozvucením...
/Themes/Die by the Sword/DBTS Theme - 5.theme
Gabriel Knight
EN: Theme based on Gabriel Knight.
RO: Tema bazata pe jocul Gabriel Knight.
CZ: Thema vytvorená podle hry Gabriel Knight...
/Themes/Gabriel Knight/Gabriel Knight (High Color).Theme
Jedi Knight
EN: Theme based on Jedi Knight.
RO: Tema bazata pe jocul Jedi Knight.
CZ: Thema vytvorená podle hry Jedi Knight...
/Themes/Jedi Knight/Jedi Knight (high colour).Theme


Warhammer: Chaos Gate
Publisher: SSI/Mindscape
EN: New Warhammer 40 000 game will be more Space Hulk than Final Liberation. You'll control up to twelve Ultramarines, each with it's capabilities and hi-tech weapons, with abilities to control vehicles including tanks (with network support of course).
RO: În noul joc Warhammer vei controla 12 Ultrasubmarine, fiecare cu armele lui, cu posibilitatea de a controla si tancuri (suport network prezent).
CZ: Nový Warhammer 40 000 nebude podobný Final Liberation, ale spíše Space Hulkum. Budete mít až dvanáct Ultramarináku, každý se svými vlastnostmi a hi-tech zbranemi, s možností nasednout do nejakého bojového vozidla a válcit v nem (a to i po síti).
Screenshot: /LEVEL/CHAOSG | Launch Date: 4Q98
Publisher: ION Storm/EIDOS
EN: From our preview you know about Daikatana's weapons, story, time zones, enemies etc. But now we know that it has been slipped till September, look at least at these new interesting pictures.
RO: Din articolul nostru stiti despre armele, povestea, monstrii din Daikatana. Uitati-va la pozele acestea noi si cool.
CZ: Novinkou o Daikatane je posunutí vydání na zárí, jinak i z našeho preview víte o príbehu, casových zónách, zbraních, neprátelích a dalších vecech. Ted pro vás máme nové urcite zajímavé obrázky.
Screenshot: /LEVEL/DAIK | Launch Date: 0998
Duke Nukem Forever
Publisher: 3D Realms/GT
EN: This anticipating follow-up is covered by mysteries and only little is know. Just that Quake II engine will be used and you'll get even more Duke style humor. Look at the brand new picture.
RO: Aceasta continuare, de mult asteptata, este învaluita în mister si foarte putine se stiu. Stim ca foloseste acelasi engine ca Quake II si ca va asteapta glume noi din partea lui Duke.
CZ: Toto pokracování je stále zahaleno rouškou tajemství a jen málo toho je známo. Víme, že bude využívat engine z Quake II a že samozrejme nebude chybet Dukuv skvelý humor. Nove pro vás máme druhý odtajnený obrázek.
Screenshot: /LEVEL/DNF | Launch Date: 1298
Fallout 2
Publisher: Interplay
EN: Nothing much about Fallout 2 has been revealed. But it should be better than the original, you'll find new weapons, meet new characters, visit new places, drive cars, enjoy new story about seeking for module with power to great Garden of Eden.
RO: Nimic nou despre Fallout 2. Dar ar trebui sa fie mai bun decât originalul! Noi arme, personaje, locuri, vei conduce si masini în cautarea modulului cu putere asupra gradinii din Eden.
CZ: O pokracování Falloutu toho moc známo není, stací, že to má být ješte lepší RPG než to minulé. Ocekávejte nové zbrane, postavy, lokace, príbeh, auta pro urychlení cestování a príbeh o hledání modulu na tvorbu Rajské Zahrady.
Screenshot: /LEVEL/FALL2 | Launch Date: 1098
Force Commander
Publisher: LucasArts/Virgin
EN: New StarWars game will be real-time strategy. You'll choose Rebels or Imperium, fight with Y-Wings TIE Bombers or AT-AT walkers, on places like polar Hoth, desert Tatooine or Yavin. Great graphic, variety of view and 3D accelerator required.
RO: Noul joc StarWars va fi o strategie real-time. Vei alege dintre rebeli si Imperiu, lupta cu Y-wing-uri, TIE Bomber-e sau AT-AT Walker-e în zone polare si de desert. Grafica superba însotita de o varietate de view-uri.
CZ: Nová StarWars hra bude real- timovou strategií. Zvolíte si Rebely ci Impérium, bojujete s Y-Wingy, TIE Bombery ci AT-AT walkery na místech jako ledový Hoth, pouštní Tatooine ci tropy na Yavinu 4. Nekolik kamer a potreba 3D akcelerátoru...
Screenshot: /LEVEL/FORCEC | Launch Date: 4Q98
Heavy Gear 2
Publisher: Activision
EN: New mech game from Activision will use new engine enabling better graphical effects, variable weather, action outside and inside buildings, photorealistic terrain. New missions will be more concerned on squad cooperation.
RO: Un nou joc din seria mech, de la Activision, va folosi un engine nou pentru grafica mai buna, pentru efecte meteorologice. Actiune în si în afara cladirilor, teren foto-realistic.
CZ: Nová mechovka od Activisionu bude mít nový engine umožnující lepší grafické efekty, variabilní pocasí, akci venku i uvnitr místností, fotorealistický terén atd. Více durazu se bude klást na strategickou kooperaci s vašimi spolubojovníky.
Screenshot: /LEVEL/HG2 | Launch Date: 1098
Railroad Tycoon II
Publisher: Pop Top/G.O.D
EN: Follow-up to classical rail strategy will have more complex economic and stock model. You'll get tens of new cargo cars and train engines from the years 1804-2000. Netplay of course supported and resolution is improved to 1024x768.
RO: Continuarea jocului clasic, cu o simulare de strategie economica mai complexa. Veti avea zeci de noi marfuri si modele noi de trenuri. Suporta retea. Grafica îmbunatatita la 1024x768.
CZ: Pokracování dnes už klasické strategie bude mít rozvinutejší ekonomickou a maklérskou stránku hry. Dockáte se desítek typu vagónu a lokomotiv let 1804-2000. Samozrejmostí je podpora sítové hry a detailní grafika v rozlišení až 1024x768.
Screenshot: /LEVEL/RAIL2 | Launch Date: 4Q98
Prince of Persia 3D
Publisher: 3D Realms/GT
EN: New Prince of Persia adventures are based on engine that allow completely 3D environment. Also you'll see perfect animations of main hero and other characters, you'll encounter devil traps and simple interface for running, climbing and sword fighting.
RO: Noile aventuri Prince of Persia sunt bazate pe un engine care permite creearea unui mediu complet 3D. Animatii noi ale personajului principal si a altor personaje, noi capcane si o interfata.
CZ: Základem nového perského prince je zmena zpracování na plne 3D, tedy jako Tomb Raider. Jinak se dockáme dalších skvelých animací hlavního hrdiny i ostatních postav, dábelských pastí a jednoduchého ovládání pro behání, šplhání i šermování.
Screenshot: /LEVEL/POP3D | Launch Date: 4Q98
Publisher: Microprose
EN: In this Battletech episode you'll to retake planet of Port Arthur, dominated by Smoke Jaguars Clan. Classic real-time with gathering of resources, building and fighting. But you got mechs, that you can upgrade with variety of armour and weapons.
RO: În acest episod Battletech va trebui sa recuceriti planeta Port Arthur, dominata de clanul Smoke Jaguar. Strategie clasica real-time dar ai roboti la care poti face upgrade-uri.
CZ: V této Battletech epizode znovu dobíjíte planetu Port Arthur, ovládananou klanem Smoke Jaguars. Klasicky real-timovsky težíte, stavíte a bojujete. Ale máte mechy, které budete moct vybavit nekterými z desítek typu zbraní a brnení.
Screenshot: /LEVEL/MC | Launch Date: 4Q98


DirectX 5.0 CZ
EN: Czech version of DirectX...
CZ: Knihovny nutné ke spuštení skoro všech her na tomto CD. Tuto verzi si nainstalujte, pokud jste majitelé ceských Windows 95.
/Drivers/DIRECTX/dx5cze.exe | DirectX 5.0 CZ
DirectX 5.0 ENG
EN: Libraries necessary for running almost every game on this CD. Install this version if you've got english version of Windows 95.
RO: Biblioteca necesara pentru a rula aproape toate jocurile de pe acest CD.
CZ: Knihovny nutné ke spuštení skoro všech her na tomto CD. Tuto verzi si nainstalujte, pokud jste majitelé anglických Windows 95.
/Drivers/DIRECTX/dx5eng.exe | DirectX 5.0 ENG
Display Doctor
EN: Universal shareware VESA driver. Install it, if you've got problems with graphic in (not only) DOS games!
RO: Driver shareware VESA universal. Instalati-l daca aveti probleme cu grafica în cadrul jocurilor DOS (nu numai)!
CZ: Sharewarový univerzální VESA ovladac. Nainstalujte si, pokud máte problémy s grafikou (nejen) u DOSových her!
/Drivers/SDD/SDD651.EXE | SciTech Display Doctor v6.51
Direct3D 3Dfx
EN: Voodoo Graphics drivers for Direct3D.
RO: Drivere Voodoo Graphics pentru Direct3D.
CZ: Voodoo Graphics ovladace pro Direct3D.
/Drivers/3DFX/DIRECT3D/d3rtvg.exe | 3Dfx Voodoo Graphics Direct3D Drivers v2.15
EN: Glide library for users of Voodoo Graphics and Voodoo Rush graphical cards.
RO: Biblioteca Glide pentru cei care folosesc placi grafice Voodoo Graphics si Voodoo Rush.
CZ: Glide knihovna pro majitele grafických karet Voodoo Graphics a Voodoo Rush.
/Drivers/3DFX/GLIDE/grtvgr.exe | Glide v2.43
Monster 3D
EN: The newest version of drivers for users of Diamond Monster 3D graphical cards.
RO: Cea mai noua versiune de drivere pentru utilizatorii placilor grafice Diamond Monster 3D.
CZ: Nejnovejší verze ovladacu pro majitele grafických karet Diamond Monster 3D.
/Drivers/3DFX/Monster3D/m3d_110.exe | Monster 3D v1.10