
DirectX 5.155


Actua Soccer 2
Publisher: Gremlin
EN: Last time you could play demo of FIFA 98. Now here is Actua Soccer 2. Which one will be better? Try both of them and guess...
RO: Ultima data ati putut admira demo-ul jocului FIFA98. Iata acum Actua Soccer 2. Care dintre ele o fi mai bun?
CZ: Minule jsme vám prinesli demo FIFA 98, nyní tu máme i jejího konkurenta. U nás sice jejich porovnání vyhrála FIFA, ale to vubec neznamená, že by tenhle fotbálek bylo neco špatného.
Screenshot: /LEVEL/ACTUAS
/Actua Soccer 2/SETUP.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 40 MB HDD
Addiction Pinball
Publisher: Team 17/Microprose
EN: Make pinball tables full of Worms 2 and World Really Fever? Why not? Look at this perfect graphic and sound.
RO: Haideti sa facem o bila! Una mai ciudata, zicem noi, cu o grafica si un sunet superb!
CZ: Vytvorit pinball se stoly Worms II a World Rally Fever? Proc ne... Autori se tentokráte vyrádili zvlášte na grafice a efektech...
Screenshot: /LEVEL/ADP | Launch Date: 0298
/Addiction Pinball | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM
Air Warrior 3
Publisher: I-Magic
EN: A new part of the (not-only) on-line simulators is here.
RO: O noua parte a renumitului simulator de abia astepta sa intre în actiune.
CZ: Pokracování série (nejenom) on-line simulátoru už je na svete...
Screenshot: /LEVEL/AW3 | Launch Date: 0198
/Air Warrior 3/AW3DEMO.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 35 MB HDD
Andretti Racing
Publisher: EA
EN: Adrenaline fever - special two track demo of Andretti Racing.
RO: Adrenaline fever – un demo în care ai ocazia sa joci doua track-uri din Andretti Racing.
CZ: Dve trate plné adrenalinu - to je demoverze závodu Andretti Racing.
Screenshot: /LEVEL/ANDR
/Andretti Racing/ANDDEMO.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 25 MB HDD
Armored Fist 2
Publisher: Novalogic
EN: Sit down into your tank M1A2 Abrams and enjoy. Novalogic used Voxel Space 2 in the best way.
RO: Stati jos în tancul vostru M1A2 Abrams si… have fun. Novalogic a folosit Voxel Space 2 în cel mai bun mod posibil.
CZ: Jen si sednete do svého tanku M1A2 Abrams a obdivujte, jakou krajinu umejí Novalogic se svým Voxel Space II vytvorit...
Screenshot: /LEVEL/AF2
/Armored Fist 2/SETUP.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 20 MB HDD
Balls of Steel
Publisher: Pinball Wizards/GT Interactive
EN: After longer time there is another "bloody" pinball. In full version there is also Duke Nukem Table.
RO: Dupa un timp ceva mai îndelungat, iata un pinball mai sângeros. În versiunea completa exista si Duke Nukem Table.
CZ: Po delší prestávce tu máme další pinbálek, který sám o sobe tvrdí, že je pekne "krvavý". V plné verzi obsahuje i stul Duke Nukem!
Screenshot: /LEVEL/BOS | Launch Date: 0198
/Balls of Steel/SETUP.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 30 MB HDD
Die by the Sword
Publisher: Interplay
EN: What are you waiting for? You have got your head on your shoulders, so take the sword and let's fight the evil. CAUTION: DO NOT INSTALL DirectX!!
RO: Ce mai asteptati? Ai mâini si cap, asa ca puneti frumos mâna pe sabie si învingeti fortele diabolice. ATENTIE: A NU SE INSTALA DirectX!!
CZ: Na co cekáte? Hlavu máte ješte na krku, tak popadnete mec a jako správný fantasy hrdina si to jdete vyrídit se zlem... POZOR: Nevolte instalaci DirecX!
Screenshot: /LEVEL/DBTS | Launch Date: 0298
/Die by the Sword/SETUP.EXE | Win95, P100, 16 MB RAM, 30 MB HDD
Dreams to Reality
Publisher: Cryo/ABM Morava
EN: A new "tombraider" action from Cryo's graphic magicians. Be sure you will love it.
RO: Un nou gen de actiune Tomb Raider de la magicienii de la Cryo. Sunt sigur ca o sa va placa.
CZ: Snová "tombraiderovka" od grafických mágu z Crya. To si pište, že vás zaujme...
Screenshot: /LEVEL/DREAM | Launch Date: 0198
/Dreams/INSTALL.BAT | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 20 MB HDD
F-22 Raptor
Publisher: Novalogic
EN: More action in old F22 with 100% graphic. Unfortunately it's a bit same as the old one.
RO: Mai multa actiune în F22 cu grafica 100%. Din pacate e un pic asemanator cu celalta versiune.
CZ: Akcnejší simulátor F22 s nádhernou grafikou, který je ale bohužel až moc podobný svému nedávnému predchudci.
Screenshot: /LEVEL/F22
/F22 Raptor/SETUP.EXE | Win95, Pentium 150, 16 MB RAM, 20 MB HDD
Falcon 4.0
Publisher: Microprose
EN: Long time awaited Falcon 4.0 simulator is here. They said it would be the best. Probably it's true. CAUTION. CHOOSE COMPLETE INSTALATION.
RO: Mult asteptatul simulator Falcon 4.0 a sosit. Producatorii au spus ca acesta va fi cel mai bun joc de acest gen. Poate ca e adevarat. ATENTIE: Alegeti instalare completa!
CZ: Tak dlouho ocekávaný. Tak dlouho odkládaný. Ale cekání je konec - už i vy se mužete prolétnout ve Falconu 4.0, simulátoru, který o sobe tvrdí, že je nejlepší ze všech. Což je možná i pravda... POZOR: Zvolte COMPLETE instalaci!
Screenshot: /LEVEL/F4 | Launch Date: 0298
/Falcon 4.0/SETUP.EXE | Win95, P133, 32 MB RAM, 25 MB HDD, 2 MB Video
Final Liberation
Publisher: SSI/Mindscape
EN: The Orks or The Imperium? Turn-based strategy in the world of Warhammer 40 000. You can play the tutorial only.
RO: Ork-ii sau Imperiul? Strategie turn-based în lumea lui Warhammer 40000. Nu puteti juca decât numai tutorialul.
CZ: Porazí Impérium Orky nebo Orkové Impérium? Turn-based strategie v prostredí WARHAMMERu 40.000. Zahrát si mužete pouze tutorial.
Screenshot: /LEVEL/FL
/Final Liberation/FLDEMO.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 25 MB HDD
Sid Meier's Gettysburg!
Publisher: Firaxis/EA
EN: Really good looking real-time strategy which simulates the battle at Gettysburg. Made by Sid "Civilization" Meyer.
RO: Strategie real-time foarte bine realizata care simuleaza bataliile de la Gettysburg. Facut de Sid "Civilization" Meyer.
CZ: Propracovaná real-timeová strategie simulující bitvu o Gettysburg. A víte, kdo ji má na svedomí? No prece Sid Meyer, clovek, pod jehož vedením vznikly hry jako Civilization, Pirates...
Screenshot: /LEVEL/GETT
/Gettysburg!/SMGDEMO.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 20 MB HDD
Jack Nicklaus 5
Publisher: Accolade/EA
EN: New part of popular golf series.
RO: O noua parte a seriilor de golf celebre.
CZ: Nejnovejší díl oblíbené golfové série.
Screenshot: /LEVEL/JN5
/Jack Nicklaus 5/SETUP.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 45 MB HDD
Quake 2
Publisher: ID Software/Activision
EN: Three levels of Quake 2? I think you should play them even dying. Or not?
RO: Trei nivele noi pentru Quake 2? Cred ca ar trebui sa le jucati! Sau mai bine nu?
CZ: Tri úrovne z Quake 2? Ty prece musíte projít, i kdybyste byli odkázáni na vozík!!!
Screenshot: /LEVEL/Q2
/Quake 2/Q2DEMO.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 30 MB HDD
Shadow Master
Publisher: Psygnosis
EN: 3D action game in dark fantasy world. Very good atmosphere!
RO: Actiune 3D într-o lume întunecata fantastica. O atmosfera irezistibila!
CZ: 3D akcní hra zasazená v temném fantasy svete, která se pokouší do žánru prispet vydarenými inovacemi a strhující atmosférou.
Screenshot: /LEVEL/SM | Launch Date: 0298
/Shadow Master/SMDEMO.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 35 MB HDD
Publisher: RedOrb
EN: Real-time strategy. Thanks to genetic mutation you can choose from about 30 000 units. And that is not all folks.
RO: Strategie real-time. Multumita mutatiilor genetice puteti alege din aproximativ 30000 de unitati. Si asta nu-i tot dragi gameri.
CZ: Real-timeová strategie, ve který si díky genetickým mutacím mužete vytvorit pres 30.000 druhu jednotek! A to ani náhodou není všechno...
Screenshot: /LEVEL/WB | Launch Date: 0398
/WarBreeds/WB_SETUP.EXE | Win95, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 25 MB HDD
Wing Commander: Prophecy
Publisher: Origin/EA
EN: And the story goes on...In this demo you can play special missions, which you cannot find in the full version. So there is also something for owners of WC5.
RO: Si povestea continua… În acest demo puteti juca misiuni speciale care nu se pot gasi în versiunea completa. Iata aici ceva nou pentru cei care au WC5.
CZ: A príbeh pokracuje... V demu si mužete zahrát speciální sérii misí, které v plné verzi nenajdete, ale které ji doplnují - takže neco i pro majitele originálky...
Screenshot: /LEVEL/WC5
/Wing Commander Prophecy/WC5.exe | Win95, P133, 32 MB RAM, 70 MB HDD, 2 MB Video


ACDSee v2.22
EN: Fastest Win95 picture viewer, that handles tens of graphic formats, including CMYK TIFF...
RO: Cel mai rapid viewer de imagini pentru Win95, care recunoaste o gramade de formate de fisier.
CZ: Nejrychlejší prohlížec obrázku pod Win 95, zvládající desítky formátu vcetne treba CMYK TIFFu...
Display Doctor 6.0a
EN: Have you got any problems with graphic card? You want it faster? That for Display Doctor is here...
RO: Aveti vreo problema cu placa grafica? Vreti s-o faceti mai rapida? Display Doctor is here…
CZ: Máte problémy s grafickou kartou? Nechcete ji urychlit? Od toho tu prece je Display Doctor...
/Display Doctor/sdd60a.exe
Paint Shop Pro 4.14
EN: Newest version of very good (comparable to Photoshop..) shareware graphic editor..
RO: Cea mai noua si mai buna versiune a editorului grafic shareware.
CZ: Nová verze populárního grafického editoru
/Paint Shop Pro/psp414.exe
NOTEPADS+ v1.15.00
EN: Enhanced version of old Windows notepad...
RO: O versiune ceva mai avansata a vechiului notepade din Windows.
CZ: Velmi dobre udelaná mutace originálního Notepadu z Windows.
mIRC v5.3
EN: Do you like internet chating? Try new IRC Client.
RO: Va face viata mai usoara în timp ce calatoritsi prin Internet!
CZ: Rádi si "vykecáváte" po internetu? Od nás tu máte nejnovejšího clienta pro IRC Chat.
VirusScan 3.1.4
EN: Are you afraid of viruses? Why?
RO: Va este teama de virusi? De ce?
CZ: Bojíte se viru? Proc?
WinAmp v1.64
EN: New version of the best player of MP3 sounds.
RO: Cea mai buna versiune a programuului de rulare a sunetelor MP3.
CZ: Nejnovejší verze nejlepšího prehrávace zvukových souboru MP3.



Age of Empires v1.0a
/Age of Empires/msaoe10a.exe
Dark Earth Patch 1
/Dark Earth/depatch1.exe
F16 v1.3
F16 3Dfx
/F16 3Dfx/f163dfx.exe
Final Liberation v1.01
/Final Liberation/fl1_01.exe
Heavy Gear v1.1
/Heavy Gear/hgp187d.exe
Incubation v1.03
Mech II: Mercenaries v1.1
/Mech2 Mercenaries/mpatch.exe
Myth v1.1b6
Nuclear Strike v1.2
/Nuclear Strike/nsp_2.exe
Postal Santa Claus
Quake II v3.09
Tomb Raider 2 Patch 2
/Tomb Raider 2/engtr2p2.exe
Tone Rebellion v1.22
/Tone Rebellion/tone122e.exe